Jk police sub inspector recruitment 2021, Jk police sub-inspector Syllabus, study material, physical test coaching in Jammu


Applications online are invited from the permanent residents of J&K State for their recruitment as Sub-Inspector in (Executive/Armed)Wings of J&K Police against the vacancies as per following breakup in the Pay scale of Rs.9300-34800+(4240/= Grade pay) in accordance with the conditions of employment as prescribed under J&K Special Recruitment Rule 2015 notified vide SRO-202 dated 30-06-2015:-

Jk police sub inspector recruitment 2021





Category-wise break-up of posts


Executive 275 96 48 39 15 9 482
Armed 100 35 18 15 5 3 176

Jk police sub-inspector exam date.

Note:- The recruitment will be for a total number of 658 vacancies i.e. (Executive Police = 482 & Armed Police = 176).

Jk police sub-inspector full notification

2-  The educational qualification, age and physical standards prescribed for the above mentioned posts are specified as under:-

Jk police sub-inspector exam cut off

i) Educational


Graduate, in any discipline, from a recognized




Age The candidate must be within the age group of 18- 28 years as on 1st day of January 2016.

(The candidates born before 01.01.1988 and after 31.12.1997 shall not be eligible.) However, in- service police personnel, upto the upper age limit of 30 years.


      iii) Physical Standards For male candidates Height = 5’-6”(min.) Chest = 32”(un-expanded)

33½”(expanded) For female candidates Height = 5’-2”(min.)

(However, for male candidates belonging to Leh/Kargil districts and Gorkha community, the minimum height shall be 5’-4” while for females the same shall be 5’)

Jk police sub inspector previous year paper

Persons already in Government service and conforming to the above eligibility  standards can also apply with NOC from their respective Head of the Department

Jk police sub-inspector study material

3-  The candidates possessing basic eligibility criteria viz age and education qualification as prescribed here in above shall be subjected to the following tests:-

Jk police sub-inspector free coaching.

A. Physical                   Endurance Test(PET)-qualifying nature (only candidates who qualify the Physical Endurance Test (PET) shall be eligible for the PST For Male candidates

Long Race                   = 1600 meters in 6½ minutes (Six minutes thirty seconds)

Pushups                       = 20

(one cycle of up and down to be counted as one)

    For Female candidates

1000 meters in 6½ minutes (Six minutes thirty seconds)

Shot Put (4Kgs)          = 14 ½ feet in three   attempts The test shall be qualifying in nature and no marks are allotted for these tests.

B. Physical Standard Test (PST) §  Measurement of Height and Chest

The candidates are also required to carry their original documents for scrutiny during the PST

C. Written                 Examination The Question paper will be of 85 marks (multiple
  (Objective type) choice) of two hours duration based on OMR sheets.
  Only for the candidates who The Questions will be of Graduation standard.
  qualify the physical endurance  
  & physical standard test and  
  meet the required standards as  
  at      (A      &      B)      above,  
D. Viva-Voce/Personality Assessment test.

(Only    for   those             candidates who qualify the written test)

The test will be of 15 marks.

Note:- On the basis of merit obtained in the written examination, the candidates will be called for viva voce- cum-Personality Assessment Test which shall be restricted three times the number of posts/vacancies advertised.

Jk police sub-inspector book.

Subject:     Syllabus for written examination for the post of Sub Inspector in J&K  Police.

Total No. of Questions    :     100 (Multiple Choice/objective type)

Duration                           :      02 hours

Weight-age of written examination will be 85%

Jk police sub-inspector physical test.

  • Current events of National and International importance.
  • History of India and Indian National Movement.
  • Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of Indian and the World.
  • Indian Polity and Governance-Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
  • Economic and Social Development-Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Inititatives, etc.
  • General issues on Enviromental ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change- that do not require subject specializations.
  • General Science.
  • General mental ability
  • Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.)
  • Materials and Components.
  • Basic Electronics.
  • Network Theory.
  • Electrical Machines.
  • Communication systems and Antennas.
  • Satellite communication.
  • Optical Fiber Communication.
  • Multiplexing and Mobile Telephony
  • Computer Basics.
  • Digital Electronics.
  • Jk police sub-inspector form filling date

Jk police sub-inspector coaching .

Cut off.

Cut off was decided as per as merit.


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